the links below to explore Part 3 of 7 of the Millennial Reign of Christ.
Rids the World Of Sin And Idolatry.
Peace In The Middle East.
Millennial Reign Will Be Through The Nation Of Israel.
Promise To Abraham Will Be Fulfilled.
5.All “Lost”
Tribes of Israel Within The Arab World Will Be Gathered Back To Palestine
Southern Tribe of Israel’s Captivity
Northern Tribe
of Israel’s Captivity
Lost Tribes Restored During the Millennial Age
According to I Corinthians 15 verses 24 - 28, Matthew 13 verses 40 – 42, during this
time, Jesus Christ will rid the world of sin and curses which have prevented man from assisting God with administration of
the affairs of the universe. The Lord Jesus
Christ will return in the cloud at Armageddon and will rid the Middle East of
the idolatry which has had stranglehold on nations of that region for thousands
of years (Isaiah 19 verse 1). The
sin and idolatry which characterised the reign of the king and people of Israel
during Bible days will be done away with at this point in history (Ezekiel 43 verse 7, 44 verses 6 - 8)
In Daniel 9 verse 24, there will be
everlasting righteousness on earth. This period will mark the end of the evil
reign of man on earth.
Also the animosity
and jealousy that usually mares the relationship of one person to another will
be done away with during this time as there will be peace and neighbourliness
between people (Zechariah 3 verse 10).
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In Isaiah 19 verses 23 – 25, all the Arab world and Israel will live in peace with one another and serve Jesus Christ. The thousands of years of hostilities between Israel and her Arab neighbour will cease permanently. Click here to view content index
The Millennial Reign Will Be Through
The Nation Of Israel
From I Chronicles 22 verse
10, Ezekiel 20 verse 40 the millennial reign will be established eternally
through the lineage of David. David was the son of Jesse and descendant of
Abraham (Psalm 132 verse 11, Isaiah 11
verse 1). And David was a king whom God raised up among the children of
Israel. Jesus Christ’s first advent was
through the lineage of David (Luke 1 verse
32, 3 verses 23 - 32). God promised
that the millennial age will be eternally established through the lineage of
David (I Kings 9 verse 5, Isaiah 9 verse
7, Jeremiah 23 verses 5 & 6; Jeremiah 33 verse 15, Isaiah 16 verse 5).
All gentile (or every other nation apart
from Israel) government will be subject to Christ’s reign which will be
established through the nation of Israel (Isaiah
11 verse 10, Romans 15 verse 12), a direct descendant of Abraham (read Genesis 12 verses
1- 3, 28 verse 14). There shall be no end to the rule and reign of
Jesus Christ during the millennium (Luke
1 verses 32, 33).
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God’s promise to Abraham will begin to be fulfilled at this time. Read Genesis 15 verse 5, 28 verse 14 (note: the complete fulfilment of these promises will materialise during the “New Heaven & Earth” during which time human population will forever grow without people dying). The Israelites will multiply as the sand of the sea shore and as stars of the night sky. It is important to understand that after 3,500 years since these prophecies were first made, these passages are yet to be fulfilled. While the present number of the children of Israel both in Palestine and the rest of the world only amount to less than 15 millions (which is countable), the above passages let us know that a time will come during the era of the Millennial age and New Earth when their numbers will become uncountable. Click here to view content index
Tribe of Israel’s Captivity
The present
population of the world’s Jews is only a fraction of the total number of the
true descendants of the nation of Israel which existed during Bible times. Only
a small percentage of the descendant of Jacob (also known as Israel) are
identifiable as Jews to the rest of the world. Majority of the present day Jews
descended from the Southern tribe of Israel which was initially carried away
into captivity by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, a place now located in modern
day Iraq. (II Kings chapter 25, I
Chronicles 6 verse 15, Daniel 1 verse 1). However 70 years later, a lot of
these Jewish captives returned to Jerusalem
to rebuild their country under the leadership of Nehemiah (Daniel 9 verse 2, Jeremiah 25 verses 11
& 12; Jeremiah 29 verse 10, Nehemiah chapter 1). Approximately 520
years later after Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, the Jewish descendants
of the Southern tribe were once again led into captivity by the Roman empire. This second captivity resulted in their dispersion
all over the world for approximately 2,000 years. But since 1948, these Jews
are re-gathering back to Palestine.
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Northern Tribe of Israel’s
A greater proportion of the descendants of
Jacob have been absorbed into the Arab world. These people descended from the
Northern tribe of Israel (including
Samaria and Damascus mentioned during Jesus Christ’s first advent) which was carried
away into captivity by the King of Assyria at about approximately 740 BC (and approximately 120 years before the Southern’s tribe
captivity). Read II Kings 16 verses
7 – 19 and the entire
II Kings chapter 17.
This northern tribe
was also carried into captivity into a region that now encompasses present day
Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan etc. Unlike the Southern tribe, the Northern tribe did
not return to their land in Palestine. Rather they became part of the Arab
world and are part of what Historians calls the “Ten Lost Tribes” of Israel.
Their descendants such as the Pashtun tribe of present day Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and other Arab countries later embraced Islam just like the rest of the Arab world did. Click here to view content index
Lost Tribes
Restored During the Millennial Age
The gradual
restoration of these “lost tribes” to Palestine which started earlier with the
Southern tribe over 100 years ago, will be culminated by Jesus Christ Himself
during the millennial age. Both Southern and Northern tribes will be restored
and allocated back their land in accordance to the eternal division God ordained
for them. Read Ezekiel 47 verses 13 - 48
verse 29.
Please note that when
this prophecy was made in the book of Ezekiel, Israel was in captivity. From
the time of this prophecy till the present day is approximately 2,622 years.
Within this period, the Southern tribe was temporarily restored to Palestine
for just 500 years until the Roman General, Titus
sacked and destroyed Jerusalem at AD70. Read Daniel 9 verse 26, Daniel 9 verses 24 - 27. Throughout the 2,622
years, this prophecy was never fulfilled and will therefore have a future
literal fulfilment during the millennial age on earth.
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