the links below to explore Part 2 of 7 of the Millennial Reign of Christ.
1.Jesus Christ Will Be Lord Of
The Earth.
2.Jesus Christ Will Rule The World In
3.All Nations Shall Serve And
Give Tribute To Jesus Christ.
4.Jesus Christ Will Exercise World Wide Dominance
In Zechariah 14 verse 9, the word “LORD”
is a reference to God. And this God is the same as the son of God, known in the
Bible as the “WORD OF GOD” or Jesus Christ (John 20 verse 28, Hebrew 1 verse 8, John 1 verses 1 - 14). His reign on earth is His second advent on
At His first advent about 2,000 years ago, He
was born as a normal human being (Galatians
4 verse 4, John 1 verse 14) in order give eternal life to all human beings
that will accept His free gift of salvation (I John 5 verse 13), but at His second advent, Jesus Christ comes to
establish His government on the earth as “LORD of Lords” (Read Revelation 19 verse 16, Isaiah 9 verses 6
& 7).
here to view topical index
In Psalm 9 verses 7 & 8, the Lord Jesus Christ’s rule is everlasting and He will execute the justice of righteousness and uprightness across all nations of the earth. Jesus Christ will be swift to listen to the prayers and cries of those who will be humble to seek him during this time and would give them peace. He will ensure there is no inhumanity of man to another. A trait which presently characterises the world we presently live in (i.e the age before the millennial reign). Read Psalm 10 verses 16 – 18, Psalm 37 verse 11, Isaiah 11 verses 3 – 5, Psalm 98 verse 9. Click here to view topical index
In Isaiah 60 verse 12, all nations during
the millennial age would be required to serve Jesus Christ. Daniel
7 verses 13, 14 says that all nations, people and
language shall serve Jesus Christ and Christ’s kingdom will never be destroyed
(read also Revelation 11 verse 15). All rebellious nations which would accept the
Mark of the beast during the 7 seven years Great
Tribulation will be excluded from the millennial reign of Christ and doomed
into eternity in the lake of fire. Matthew
25 verses 31, 32, 41-46.
The topography of
Jerusalem will change at this time and will be elevated above all other cities
of the world of that time and nations will go into the city from time to time (Micah 4 verse 1,2).
All nations that are
allowed into the millennial reign of Christ would be required to go to Jerusalem
to worship Jesus Christ from year to year.
Just as born again believers are presently required to show their
appreciation to God through giving of tithes and offering (Malachi 3 verses 8, 10), nations during
the millennial age will be required to give tribute and presents to Jesus
Christ as token of appreciation. Nations
that refuses to do so will be punished. (Read Zechariah 14 verse 16 – 21, Psalm 68 verse 29, Psalm 72 verse 9 – 11,
Isaiah 18 verse 7)
Also Malachi 1 verse 11 shows that the name
of the Lord will be magnified among all the nations and they will serve Him
during this time. Jesus Christ will bask
in the praises and rejoicing of the entire earth. (Psalm
96 verse 10 – 13).
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In Psalm 72 verse 8, Christ’s rule will cover the entire planet earth. There has never been any human kingdom or government that has ever achieved this type of dominance. Even past world empires such as Babylon, Egypt and Rome only ruled over parts of the earth that were known to them. However Christ’s Millennial reign will encompass everywhere including all the remote places of the earth whether on land, in the air, on sea and even thousands of feet deep into the sea where mankind has never explored. Click here to view topical index