Yes that’s true. But it is also written ‘if any man is in Christ, every thing is new old things are passed away…’ But you don’t feel like a new creature. Nothing is new in your life. You are still your old personality. Look at your body, it is as weak as ever.
This proves you can never be saved.
But God’s word says Salvation from sin is for every human being.
Tell me, what Scriptural passage says that!
I can’t remember now, but I..I…I think its in the Bible.
So Christian doesn’t have much knowledge of God’s word,
This is my opportunity to confuse him very well.
You think! You F*&king liar, you’ve just added to God’s word. Do you realize you’ve committed an unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost? Once again, this shows you are a perpetual slave to sin.
My God! Have I truly committed an unpardonable sin