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Textbox 1

Yes that’s true. But it is also written ‘if any man is in Christ, every thing is new old things are passed away…’ But you don’t feel like a new creature. Nothing is new in your life. You are still your old personality. Look at your body, it is as weak as ever.

Textbox 2

This proves you can never be saved.

Textbox 3

But God’s word says Salvation from sin is for every human being.

Textbox 4

Tell me, what Scriptural passage says that!

Textbox 5

I can’t remember now, but I..I…I think its in the Bible.

Textbox 6

So Christian doesn’t have much knowledge of God’s word,

Textbox 7

This is my opportunity to confuse him very well.

Textbox 8

You think! You F*&king liar, you’ve just added to God’s word. Do you realize you’ve committed an unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost? Once again, this shows you are a perpetual slave to sin.

Textbox 9

My God! Have I truly committed an unpardonable sin