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Enough of your liturgies on reasons not to go near that girl. Isn’t it written that: ‘…God has made you a watchman over her’? Didn’t God ask you to ‘hear the word out of His mouth and warn her…’ of her Ówicked immoral ways? How could you be so selfish and insensitive …

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to a great opportunity to preach the gospel to a poor soul like this girl? What if she dies without you preaching to her, don’t you know that God will ‘…require her blood at thine hand’ ?.Remember you’ve not preach the gospel for a long time. This is an opportunity to follow her to her house, sit down with her and have a wonderful time sharing the good news to her

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Don’t forget that this is your opportunity to practice all those messages…

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you heard on Christian Service at Christ Coming Church

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Hey! That’s not a bad idea. After all, the Lord commanded me to ‘preach the gospel every creature’ including her.

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But I must be very careful, as I ‘shouldn’t be ignorant of the devil’s devices’×. Besides it is written: ‘…I bring my body under and bring it into subjection, lest by any means, after I have preach to her, I myself should become a cast away’

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Hi! Can you spare me a sec please?

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Sure Handsome!

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Hmm! This guy has got everything I want in a man. I hope he is admiring my body cute. To night should be great. I am glad my boyfriend ‘is not at home, he is gone on a long...

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journey…’ to the US. I am glad I bought that beautiful bed spread² yesterday. And that perfume I bought this morning should make our romance a memorable one . ‘…We will fill our love until morning, and solace ourselves with loves’

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Have you heard about Jesus?